Tuesday, August 3, 2010

WALLALLAW: Rolling Saucer

WALLALLAW: rolling saucer

Based on the concept of a frisbee rolling along the beach on a windy day...assymetical 3 meter wheel, based on the same proportions as a frisbee... acts as a rolling sail that you ride... independent 2 meter long "gunbana" wheeled board tracks along flat interior rim of saucer... "volant" boom spins freely in the open 1 meter center section of the invention, allowing rider to change pitch/yaw/direction or brake (which lets rider "loop" with the big wheel)... 4 removable flat panels allow surface area to change from 3.5 square meters to 6.5 square meters to adapt to wind conditions... large diameter of the wheel effortlessly rolls over uneven terrain!

construction: thermoformed PVC foam core sandwiched with multiple layers of vacuum bagged triaxial weave fiberglass cloth & polyester resin, carbon fiber spokes, sealed precision bearings, urethane wheels, natural rubber skin along exterior of wheel. 

Invention/collaboration between Eric LeDean & Jeff Casper through Les Ateliers / E.N.S.C.I. (Ecole Nationale Superiure de Creation Industrielle), Paris, France. Testing of prototype by Jeff Casper on the coast of Brittany, France. Video shot & edited by Fred Tevlon. 

copyright 1989

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